The Awful Truth says:
She's not drinking. It's the first time I've never seen her do that."
Above source is a firsthand, regular and up close observer of Paris Hilton and her horniness, hotness and sometimes tankedlicious goings on. Said insider's been posing and preening right alongside Ms. H at a few recent T-town soirees. Gosh, is this the new, freshly domesticated Mrs.-Madden-to-be Paris or Paris the teetotalist, perhaps (for whatever reason)? Or, to get very National Enquirer about it (as if there were any diff here at A.T., I mean, really), could this possibly be the new preggers Paris? Just a pregnant pause, or hunch, that's all, babes. See, when the regularly guzzling heiress suddenly cleans up her vodka-happy act, hon-pies, somethin's up. Fer sure."
DOES THIS MEAN THE WORLD IS ENDING!? We can only hope shes not pregnant. No kid deserves that. Paris could barely take care of her dog tinkerbell.
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